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Yesterday I visited Glossop station in Derbyshire for a rather unusual event organised by the station friends group. A ceremony was held to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the events of 2nd June 1940, when 600 wartime evacuees from the seaside town of Lowestoft arrived in this small town by train. Several of the original evacuees, plus family and friends attended, whilst some local schoolchildren (suitably attired as evacuees) recreated their arrival. As a rather poignant link, one of the schoolchildren was carrying the very same suitcase that was carried by one of the evacuees all those years ago. The groups held a ceremony to unveil a plaque and display which includes evacuee’s recollections and a poem. Here’s a selection of pictures from the event.


Neil Williams from the friends of Glossop station talks about the event whilst some of the  Lowestoft evacuees listen.


DG271453. Some of the original Lowestoft evacuees with local children. Glossop. 2.6.17.JPG

Children from a local school who played the part of evacuees with the original evacuees. The young girl on the left is carrying one of the suitcases used 77 years ago that day.

DG271489. Some of the original Lowestoft evacuees unveil a commemorative plaque. Glossop. 2.6.17

Some of the evacuees unveil a plaque on the station to commemorate the events of the 2nd June 1940, 77 years to the day.