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There’s a very short blog from me today as I’ve got to be up at Sparrowfart tomorrow in order to get down to Long Marston for RAIL live. That means my alarm’s set for 04:15 so I can catch the first train of the day from Halifax. Right now I’m just finishing packing my kit before heading to bed.

Today, the weather’s actually felt like summer. We’ve had hours of sunshine, even though there’s been a fair amount of cloud around. The temperature’s started heading in the right direction too. RAIL live looks like it’s going to be blessed with good weather again too, so I’ve packed a pair of shorts – just in case!

One of my little chores today was to amalgamate the previous years RAIL live pictures into one gallery, which you can find here. There should be a lot more to add from this year’s event in a couple of days time. I’ll be doing a rolling blog as I’m travelling tomorrow, but don’t expect too much from the event itself as I’ll be kept busy catching up with friends and colleagues from across the industry, although I hope to be be able to add one or two pictures if I can.

In the meantime, here’s today’s picture which is from the 2022 event, when GBRf sent along one of their rebuilt Class 56 locos, renumbered 69005 and repainted into a heritage style livery.

I’ve a small favour to ask…
If you enjoy reading this or any of the other blogs I’ve written, please click on an advert or two. You don’t have to buy anything you don’t want to of course – although if you did find something that tickled your fancy that would be fab! – but the revenue from them helps me to cover some of the cost of maintaining this site (which isn’t cheap and comes out of my own pocket). Remember, 99% of the pictures used in my blogs can be purchased as prints from my other website –  https://paulbigland.zenfolio.com/

Or – you can now buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/paulbigland68312