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Today’s been a very domestic sort of day here at Bigland Towers but it’s also one that’s allowed me (if not Dawn) to enjoy the stunning weather. Finally, it feels like summer is on the way. We’ve had wall to wall sunshine and temperatures in the low 20s – which is a bloody miracle around here so far this year! Whilst Dee was cooking up a storm with a production line of batch cooking for us and her parents I was busy on the cottage roof, giving it an annual clean and sorting out some minor repairs after the battering it’s received over the winter. My job was complicated by our new lodgers. Several years ago I put up a number of nesting boxes under the sheltered eaves at the back of the cottage. Until now they’ve always remained vacant, despite the fact the adjacent bird-feeders resemble Piccadilly Circus. This year a pair of Blue Tits have taken up residence in one of them. Only it’s the one where I normally put up the ladder to allow me to clamber onto the roof. Bugger! Their residence has meant I’ve had to access the roof from our neighbour’s backyard, which is rather more challenging. That’ll teach me! Mind you, once I scrambled up I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The views are stunning!

Having removed bags of crap from over and between the stone flags I felt I deserved a beer and adjourned to our local pub for a while. The Big 6 beer garden was doing a roaring trade and having chance to wash the dust from my mouth whilst soaking up yet more sun was much appreciated.

I did feel slightly guilty as Dawn was still busy in the kitchen. I made amends on my return by disposing of the mound of washing up Dee had generated with her Lasagne production line. Some were for us whilst a different (gluten-free) line were for her parents. That’s the freezer restocked then!

Now it’s time to relax before another busy few days. Community Rail Week begins tomorrow, which means I’m going to be out and about a lot. I’ll be heading down to London on Monday morning ready for a special event at on Tuesday at one of my old local stations in North London.

I’ll be blogging about all my travels and the various events I’ll be attending which means there’ll be plenty to see and read about this next week. In the meantime here’s a couple of pictures from our activities today.

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